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Debug Pantavisor

Sometimes things don't go as planned and you will need some insight on what is going on. For those occasions, we offer some tools to debug Pantavisor.

Debug coredump using gdb

Pantavisor will generate a Core Dump when a crash occurs. To open this Core Dump, you just have to retrieve it from storage. To do so, you can just SSH cat the file from a device with an already set public key to your host computer:

ssh -p8222 -l/ cat /storage/corepv > /tmp/corepv

To open it in your machine, we will need to tell gdb where both the init binary with debugging simbols and the sysroot path resulted from the building process are located:

$ gdb-multiarch /home/anibal/pantacor/src/pantavisor/out/x64-uefi/staging/init /tmp/corepv
(gdb) set sysroot /home/anibal/pantacor/src/pantavisor/out/x64-uefi/staging/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f262bcc01b0 in write () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#1  0x0000564ec360b04f in mbedtls_net_send ()
#2  0x0000564ec360d0d3 in mbedtls_ssl_flush_output ()
#3  0x0000564ec360d4e2 in mbedtls_ssl_write_record ()
#4  0x0000564ec361073d in ssl_write_real ()
#5  0x0000564ec36107bc in mbedtls_ssl_write ()


Use your own paths.

Remotely debug using gdbserver and gdb-multiarch

You can also remotely debug Pantavisor while running on your target device from your host computer.

Install gdbserver in your device

For this guide, we are going to use a Raspberry Pi 3 as the target device. First, we need to make sure gbdsever is installed in your machine. To do so, we need to check the bsp addons in your device checkout look like this:

$ cd <device-checkout>
$ cat bsp/run.json | python -m json.tool
    "addons": [
    "firmware": "firmware.squashfs",
    "initrd": "pantavisor",
    "linux": "kernel.img",
    "modules": "modules.squashfs"
$ ls bsp/
firmware.squashfs  addon-gdbserver.cpio.xz4  kernel.img  modules.squashfs  pantavisor  run.json  src.json

If the addon is set in bsp/run.json and the cpio.xz4 file is in the bsp path, you can continue to the next section.

If not installed, you need to get a statically compiled gdbserver with cpio.xz4 compression. We are building this for several targets here. In your device checkout:

cd bsp
docker run --rm | tar x

Then, reference the file in bsp/run.json with a Pantavisor addon so it looks like the example.

Don't forget to follow this how-to guide to add, commit and post these changes to your device.

Attach gdbserver to the init process in your device

Once gdbserver is installed in your system, get access to your device via ssh and attach gdbserver to the Pantavisor process:

$ ssh -p 8222 /@
$ ps | grep init
    1 0         1064 S    /init noswap fastboot
   78 0         3208 S    {pantavisor} /init noswap fastboot
$ gdbserver --attach localhost:2000 78
Attached; pid = 78
Listening on port 2000
Remote debugging from host ::ffff:, port 46982

The election of Pantavisor's PID is important. In this case, we want to debug something in pantahub.c. This is running in a fork created by init (PID 1) in the early stages of Pantavisor, so we chose the second PID with the init keyword, which in this case is PID 78.

Remotely debug from your host computer with gdb-multiarch

Open a new terminal in your host computer. Make sure you have the gdb-multiarch tool installed in your system. In a Debian-based distro:

apt-get update
apt-get install gdb-multiarch

We need to tell gdb-multiarch where both the init binary with debugging simbols and the sysroot path resulted from the building process are located:

$ gdb-multiarch /home/anibal/pantacor/src/pantavisor/out/rpi3/staging/init
(gdb) set sysroot /home/anibal/pantacor/src/pantavisor/out/rpi3/staging/

Now, we just have to connect to device IP and port:

(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using
Reading symbols from /home/anibal/pantacor/src/pantavisor/out/rpi3/staging/lib/
Reading symbols from /home/anibal/pantacor/src/pantavisor/out/rpi3/staging/lib/
Reading symbols from /home/anibal/pantacor/src/pantavisor/out/rpi3/staging/lib/
0x00055074 in mbedtls_base64_decode ()
(gdb) b internal/init/pantahub.c:290
Breakpoint 1 at 0x17fa6: file internal/init/pantahub.c, line 290.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, pv_ph_is_available (pv=pv@entry=0x76f18e30) at internal/init/pantahub.c:290
290         pv_log(DEBUG, "PH available at '%s:%d'",
(gdb) bt
#0  pv_ph_is_available (pv=pv@entry=0x76f18e30) at internal/init/pantahub.c:290
#1  0x00014b2e in _pv_wait (pv=0x76f18e30) at internal/init/controller.c:446
#2  0x000156ce in _pv_run_state (pv=0x76f18e30, state=STATE_WAIT) at internal/init/controller.c:748
#3  pv_controller_start (pv=pv@entry=0x76f18e30) at internal/init/controller.c:760
#4  0x000147f2 in _pv_init () at internal/init/pantavisor.c:546
#5  pantavisor_init (do_fork=do_fork@entry=true) at internal/init/pantavisor.c:564
#6  0x0001264c in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at internal/init/init.c:276


Use your own paths and IP.