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pantabox-edit-usermeta -- edit pantavisor user-meta data




This command allows you to edit the user-meta data used by Pantavisor Linux. The user-meta data is safe in a .json format of key:value

Pantavisor creates files with the key name and value from the .json file and keeps them inside the user-meta folder.

Those files reside at: /pantavisor/user-meta/key


To view an example:

  • Run pantabox-edit-usermeta to bring up the nano editor.

nano editor for user-meta

  • Edit the .json file by adding your user-meta key and values.

edit user-meta json file

  • Confirm you changes.

confirm and save

  • View them in the filesystem as files in the /pantavisor/user-meta folder

how you see the user-meta

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