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WARNING (alpha API and code)

This is alpha API and code; do not use it from third party software that you are not willing to rewrite or throw away very soon and often...

You have been warned :).

Configure admin users in pantahub

By default we assign the demouser "admin" permissions to grant subscriptions for pantahub.

You can change that through adding a comma separated list of prns for the following env configurations. The following are the defaults we use:


Remember that you have to set password explictely if you want to enable the admin demo user.

To do define the admin password as env also with:


Set Subscription (as Admin user)

First log in as admin user, e.g.

TOK=`http POST username=admin password=YOURPASSWORDHERE | jq  -r .token`

Then you can create or update the subscription plan for any given prn using the following rest call:

http PUT \
    subject=prn:::accounts:/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \
    plan=prn::subscriptions:VIP \
    Authorization:" Bearer $TOK"

Right now the following plans are available to choose from:


You can overwrite default properties of plan through a json map that you can pass in as 'attrs' argument:

http PUT \
    subject=prn:::accounts:/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \
    plan=prn::subscriptions:VIP \
    attrs:='{"BANDWIDTH": "100GiB"}' \
    Authorization:" Bearer $TOK"

The effects should be visible for users right away in the UI and on dash endpoint.

See your subscription details (as user)

First login as normal user, e.g. with "user1" demoaccount:

TOK1=`http POST username=user1 password=YOURUSER1PASSWORT | jq -r .token`

Next you can get your subscription status through simple GET against the subscriptions main endpoint:

http GET Authorization:" Bearer $TOK1"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 20:54:40 GMT
Server: nginx/1.13.5
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains;
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Powered-By: go-json-rest

    "Page": -1,
    "Size": 1,
    "Start": 0,
    "Subs": [
            "attr": {
                "BANDWIDTH": "100GiB",
                "DEVICES": "100",
                "OBJECTS": "20GiB"
            "history": [
                    "attr": {
                        "BANDWIDTH": "100GiB",
                        "DEVICES": "100",
                        "OBJECTS": "20GiB"
                    "id": "5a9dab7a9764eb000731cc60",
                    "issuer": "",
                    "last-modified": "2018-03-05T20:42:09.2Z",
                    "prn": "prn::subscriptions:/5a9dab7a9764eb000731cc60",
                    "service": "prn::subscriptions:",
                    "subject": "prn:::accounts:/59ef9e241e7e6b000d3d2bc7",
                    "time-created": "2018-03-05T20:41:30.58Z",
                    "type": "prn::subscriptions:VIP"
            "id": "5a9dab7a9764eb000731cc60",
            "issuer": "",
            "last-modified": "2018-03-05T20:42:22.047Z",
            "prn": "prn::subscriptions:/5a9dab7a9764eb000731cc60",
            "service": "prn::subscriptions:",
            "subject": "prn:::accounts:/59ef9e241e7e6b000d3d2bc7",
            "time-created": "2018-03-05T20:41:30.58Z",
            "type": "prn::subscriptions:VIP"

See your quotas on the dash endpoint

Simply log in as normal user like in section above and then query dash api:

$ http GET Authorization:" Bearer $TOK1"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 20:55:53 GMT
Server: nginx/1.13.5
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains;
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Powered-By: go-json-rest

    "nick": "user1",
    "prn": "prn:::accounts:/user1",
    "subscription": {
        "billing": {
            "AmountDue": 0,
            "Currency": "USD",
            "Type": "Monthly",
            "VatRegion": "World"
        "plan-id": "VIP",
        "quota-stats": {
            "BANDWIDTH": {
                "Actual": 0,
                "Max": 100,
                "Name": "BANDWIDTH",
                "Unit": "GiB"
            "DEVICES": {
                "Actual": 1,
                "Max": 100,
                "Name": "DEVICES",
                "Unit": "Piece"
            "OBJECTS": {
                "Actual": 0.06,
                "Max": 20,
                "Name": "OBJECTS",
                "Unit": "GiB"
    "top-devices": [

Have fun!