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Bring Components from Other Devices

Both Apps and the the BSP can be brought from other devices using the pvr merge command. For example, to merge the full x64_initial_latest device into your checkout:

pvr merge

pvr will notify you to use pvr checkout to make the changes affective in your workspace. After that, you can either keep making changes or post to your device:

pvr checkout
pvr post

You can also filter the component that is going to be merged by using the # prefix. To get only the pvr-sdk contianer elements from the device:

pvr merge
pvr checkout
pvr post

Bear in mind that merge will keep the elements that were present in your checkout while overwriting the new ones. If you want to completely ignore the old ones and just overwrite everything, use pvr get, with the same syntax as merge:

pvr get
pvr checkout
pvr post

Furthermore, tarballs can be created from a device to enable a local merge, get or import:

pvr export /tmp/pvr-export.tgz

These can then be imported, merged or get the same way as we did with the Clone URL:

pvr import /tmp/pvr-export.tgz
pvr checkout
pvr post

Finally, you can also merge or get the BSP produced by a Pantavisor build.

pvr get out/rpi64-5.10.y/rpi64-5.10.y.pvr.tgz#bsp/,_sigs/bsp.json,device.json
pvr checkout
pvr post