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Make a New System Revision

Once you have the device cloned on disk, you can make changes to the runtime state on your host computer and once happy, use pvr commit to stage the current state as a checkpoint. This new revision can be then sent as a new update to be consumed by your device.

Check the Changes

To see current, non-staged file changes, use the pvr status command:

pvr status .

The output of this command will list after-clone changes following this code:

  • A - file is not index, but have been marked as added
  • C - file is in index, but disk version has changed
  • ? - file is not in index and has not yet been added. Commit will ignore if not added
  • D - file is in index, but disk version does not have this file. Commit will remove file from index

To see some JSON diff output of the JSON state you can also use pvr diff:

pvr diff

Add new Files

To add new files so they can be commited:

pvr add .

Commit the Changes

To index the current changes use pvr commit:

pvr commit