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Get the Source Code

This build system is based on the Alchemy tool, plus modifications specific to the requirements of the Pantavisor build. First, make a new workspace directory:

mkdir pantavisor
cd pantavisor

To initialize it, use repo. You can download the necessary code using the -g option. Just substitute rpi64-5.10.y with the target you want to build.

repo init -u -m release.xml -g runtime,rpi64-5.10.y

You may prefer to download the source code for all targets. In that case:

repo init -u -m release.xml

Now, it is time to download the code with the sync command:

repo sync -j10 -c --no-clone-bundle

Afterwards, you should have contents similar to below in your Pantavisor directory:

alchemy  bootloader  ca  config
external  firmware  internal  kernel  prebuilt
scripts  tests  vendor