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PVTX is a tool to manage pantavisor devices using only tar files exported from PVR CLI. Allowing to manage without using any cloud service or docker container sources.

This rest api exposes the same actions availables on the pvtx CLI.

How to use it

We are going to see two examples of how to use pvtx API, one were we replace the whole state of the device, with the package from a pvexport file from hub and another were we add and remove parts from the current running revision.

Create a new transaction and apply a device export from hub

First go to login and search for the device go to the export tab and download the pvexport file of the revision you want to apply using pvtx.

Let's use this pantahub-ci/rpi64_5_10_y_pvwc_connman_latest as example:

In order to download the pvexport you need to go to

And click in the export all button, that will generate a rpi64_5_10_y_pvwc_connman_latest.tar.gz file

The we could start using the pvtx api to apply that from scratch.

# start a new transaction
$ curl -X POST __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/begin?empty=true
{"#spec": "pantavisor-service-system@1"}

add rpi64_5_10_y_pvwc_connman_latest.tar.gz

$ curl -X PUT __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/add --data-binary @rpi64_5_10_y_pvwc_connman_latest.tar.gz

commit the state and save the revision name

$ curl -X POST __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/commit

run the revision created

$ curl -X POST __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/run?rev=locals/pvtx-1721068626-f9ee123b-913
{"status": "ok"}

after the run command the device will restart and run the new revision, and we can check the status using:

curl -X GET __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/status?rev=locals/pvtx-1721068626-f9ee123b-913
  "progress": {
    "status": "DONE",
    "status-msg": "Update finished, revision set as rollback point",
    "progress": 100,
    "data": "0"
  "rev": "pvtx-1721068626-f9ee123b-913"

Modify the running revision

We start a new transaction using the current running revision as base state.

# start a new transaction
$ curl -X POST __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/begin

then we add a container

$ curl -X PUT __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/add --data-binary @container.tar.gz

or remove a container

$ curl -X PUT __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/remove?part=CONTAINER_NAME

after that we can commit the state and save the revision name

$ curl -X POST __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/commit

after theses steps we need to run the created revision.

$ curl -X POST __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/run?rev=locals/pvtx-1721068626-f9ee123b-913
{"status": "ok"}

run command will make the device to restart and run the new revision, and we can check the status using:

curl -X GET __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/status?rev=locals/pvtx-1721068626-f9ee123b-913
  "progress": {
    "status": "DONE",
    "status-msg": "Update finished, revision set as rollback point",
    "progress": 100,
    "data": "0"
  "rev": "pvtx-1721068626-f9ee123b-913"

Endpoints documentation

The api is available by default on __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx the access is public it doesn't need password or credentials.


The api has an endpoint to give you the logs by source, if source is not defined the returned logs are going to be the logs from the pantavisor.

curl __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/logs

The available query string parameters are:

  • rev: the revision number
  • source: the source will be the platform name
  • tail: (true/false) activate the tail of logs
  • follow: (true/false) the follow parameters sents the logs as stream, only works if the tails arguments is true
  • tailn: same as tail -n parameter, only applies if the follow and tail parameters are set


The show endpoint show the current transaction running on pvtx. If doesn't exist any transaction will return and error.

curl __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/show

If doesn't have any transaction started will return HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request with this body

  "error": "No active transaction.",
  "transaction": null

If there is a transaction will return the full state json of that transaction like this one.

Example response:

  "#spec": "pantavisor-service-system@1",
  "_config/pvr-sdk/etc/pvr-sdk/config.json": {
    "httpd": {
      "listen": "",
      "port": "12368"
  "_hostconfig/pvr/docker.json": {
    "platforms": [
  "bsp/addon-plymouth.cpio.xz4": "beae6a7bb235916cac52bcfece64c30615cded8c4c640e6941e7ecabe53b4920",
  "bsp/build.json": {
    "altrepogroups": "",
    "branch": "master",
    "commit": "7d5ba78761e4d880c3403d642187bfdc93e49683",
    "gitdescribe": "014-rc9-12-g7d5ba78",
    "pipeline": "355967648",
    "platform": "rpi64",
    "project": "pantacor/pv-manifest",
    "pvrversion": "pvr version 022-15-g26ebb342",
    "target": "arm-rpi64",
    "time": "2021-08-19 15:08:44 +0000"
  "bsp/firmware.squashfs": "c968a674d12258f00f4d9251637065a04abf7f95285308bfca7e4f6ccf9de7c5",
  "bsp/kernel.img": "b59438e4cb0db11689601e7e26e8dc6dad0b5007072edbf10e886a8dd51d2397",
  "bsp/modules.squashfs": "385f04fca555912f8655018f97cd09a2502fdd79afc14cd5fd57682d0a2cf4e0",
  "bsp/pantavisor": "405f907a1d1d086d89808c6fc691bf7d169e6e38b24c0110c7b950c4dda2742d",
  "bsp/run.json": {
    "addons": [
    "firmware": "firmware.squashfs",
    "initrd": "pantavisor",
    "initrd_config": "",
    "linux": "kernel.img",
    "modules": "modules.squashfs"
  "bsp/src.json": {
    "#spec": "bsp-manifest-src@1",
    "pvr": ""
  "network-mapping.json": {},
  "pvr-sdk/lxc.container.conf": "a69205914de2e8b95270f94591d5c015796590da5273db35ef6b2ed40631fcca",
  "pvr-sdk/root.squashfs": "896d66166794aa11f14ffe3c8fddc80a0563d85bae086d25dce69836d8eb0468",
  "pvr-sdk/root.squashfs.docker-digest": "35e1d5180e95445a7effdd44e8ef09405e2051d6c50c6b71965469fabc768368",
  "pvr-sdk/run.json": {
    "#spec": "service-manifest-run@1",
    "config": "lxc.container.conf",
    "name": "pvr-sdk",
    "root-volume": "root.squashfs",
    "storage": {
      "docker--etc-dropbear": {
        "persistence": "permanent"
      "docker--etc-volume": {
        "persistence": "permanent"
      "docker--home-pantavisor-.ssh": {
        "persistence": "permanent"
      "docker--var-pvr-sdk": {
        "persistence": "permanent"
      "lxc-overlay": {
        "persistence": "boot"
    "type": "lxc",
    "volumes": []
  "pvr-sdk/src.json": {
    "#spec": "service-manifest-src@1",
    "args": {
      "PV_LXC_EXTRA_CONF": "lxc.mount.entry = /volumes/_pv/addons/plymouth/text-io var/run/plymouth-io-sockets none bind,rw,optional,create=dir 0 0",
    "config": {},
    "docker_digest": "",
    "docker_name": "",
    "docker_source": "remote,local",
    "docker_tag": "arm32v6",
    "persistence": {},
    "template": "builtin-lxc-docker"
  "storage-mapping.json": {},


The begin endpoint start a new transaction only if there is not a trasaction started. If a transaction is already started this is going to fail.

curl -X POST __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/begin

If there is not error will return 200 with the full state response (the same seem on show)



If there is an error will get this response

  "error": "No active transaction.",
  "transaction": { ...FULL TRANSACTION }


This will abort the current transation running. If there is not transaction running is going to fail.

curl -X POST __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/abort

If everything is ok you will get a 200 OK response. If not an error similar to this.

  "error": "No active transaction. Start a transaction first.",
  "transaction": null


This add and update parts using the tar file result of a pvr export command.

curl -X PUT __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/add --data-binary @exported.tgz

This will fail if there is not transaction started or fails to add that exported file.


Remove any part of the current transaction. Using the example here on the show command we can see it has several parts, we could delete one by name, example: pvr-sdk.

curl -X PUT __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/remove?part=pvr-sdk

That will return the now state without the pvr-sdk part.

Could give you an error in case it fails.



The commit endpoint allows to commit all the changes in the transaction and returns a revision ID that could be now run.

curl -X POST __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/commit


  "revision": "locals/pvtx-1636485481-42c76d97"

If there is not transaction to commit you will get an error.

  "error": "No active transaction. Start a transaction first.",
  "transaction": null


Runs allow you to run any revision on the device.

curl -X POST __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/run?rev=locals/pvtx-1636485481-42c76d97

This will return the progress of that revision when success

  "status": "TESTING",
  "status-msg": "Awaiting to see if update is stable",
  "progress": 95


Return the progress of a revision. The rev parameter will default to current.

curl __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/status


  "rev": "REVISION_ID", 
  "progress": {
    "status": "UPDATED",
    "status-msg": "Update finished, revision not set as rollback point",
    "progress": 100


curl __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/status?rev=locals/pvtx-1636485481-42c76d97


  "rev": "locals/pvtx-1636485481-42c76d97", 
  "progress": {
    "status": "UPDATED",
    "status-msg": "Update finished, revision not set as rollback point",
    "progress": 100


Get all device configuration, device-meta and user-meta

curl __ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/get-config


  "device": {
    "time": {
      "timeval": {
        "tv_sec": 33,
        "tv_usec": 72601
      "timezone": {
        "tz_minuteswest": 0,
        "tz_dsttime": 0
    "sysinfo": {
      "uptime": 34,
      "loads.0": 34688,
      "loads.1": 8448,
      "loads.2": 2816,
      "totalram": 3990536192,
      "freeram": 3530027008,
      "sharedram": 0,
      "bufferram": 17485824,
      "totalswap": 0,
      "freeswap": 0,
      "procs": 86,
      "totalhigh": 0,
      "freehigh": 0,
      "mem_unit": 1
    "storage": {
      "total": 31354646528,
      "free": 26463305728,
      "reserved": 1567732326,
      "real_free": 24895573402
    "pantavisor.version": "018-11-g2ff4a37-221130-1076ae1",
    "pantavisor.uname": {
      "": "Linux",
      "kernel.release": "4.19.127-v8+",
      "kernel.version": "#1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 30 08:35:45 UTC 2022",
      "": "(none)",
      "machine": "aarch64"
    "pantavisor.revision": "155",
    "pantavisor.mode": "remote",
    "pantavisor.dtmodel": "Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2",
    "pantavisor.arch": "aarch64/64/EL",
    "pantahub.state": "idle",
    "": "1",
    "pantahub.claimed": "1",
    "pantahub.address": "",
    "interfaces": {
      "lo.ipv4": [
      "eth0.ipv4": [
      "wlan0.ipv4": [
      "lxcbr0.ipv4": [
      "tailscale0.ipv4": [
      "lo.ipv6": [
      "eth0.ipv6": [
      "wlan0.ipv6": [
      "lxcbr0.ipv6": [
      "tailscale0.ipv6": [
      "vethN884XO.ipv6": [
  "user": {
    "wireguard-vpn.enabled": "false",
    "tailscale.enabled": "true",
    "pvr-sdk.authorized_keys": "...........",
    "openvpn.enabled": "false",
    "": "arm_rpi64_bsp_latest",
    "cloudflared.upstream": "false"


Set an user meta value, this will add or update the key with the new value.

curl \
  -X POST \
  '__ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/usermeta/save?key=newkey' \
  -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
  --data-raw "value of the usermeta"


  "newkey": "value of the usermeta",
  "wireguard-vpn.enabled": "false",
  "tailscale.enabled": "true",
  "openvpn.enabled": "false",
  "": "arm_rpi64_bsp_latest",
  "cloudflared.upstream": "false"


Remove a key from the user-meta

curl \
  -X PUT \
  '__ORIGIN__/cgi-bin/pvtx/usermeta/delete?key=newkey' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "wireguard-vpn.enabled": "false",
  "tailscale.enabled": "true",
  "openvpn.enabled": "false",
  "": "arm_rpi64_bsp_latest",
  "cloudflared.upstream": "false"